Baker K holds the account for 03-473 0047 and is located at 11/360 North Rd North East Valley Dunedin 9010, New Zealand.
Baker K's nearest neighbor is Al-Amleh B at J/59 North Rd North East Valley Dunedin 9010.
Another number — 03-479 0130 — is also associated with this address.
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03-473 0047
International dialing: +64 34730047
Not available
Al-Amleh B
0.0 km
J/59 North Rd North East Valley Dunedin 9010
Boland W D & S H
0.0 km
18/360 North Rd North East Valley Dunedin 9010
Broomhall T B
0.0 km
12/360 North Rd North East Valley Dunedin 9010
Chan Y S
0.0 km
L/59 North Rd North East Valley Dunedin 9010
Dacker V M
0.0 km
11/360 North Rd North East Valley Dunedin 9010
Endersby E L
0.0 km
21/6 North Rd North East Valley Dunedin 9010
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Waikato District Health Board
Sandra Baker 1
( Co-ordinator)
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