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Highmark Homes Central Otago

Highmark Homes Central Otago holds the account for 03-448 7860 and is located at 8 Skird St Alexandra, New Zealand.

Highmark Homes Central Otago's nearest neighbor is Alexandra Backpackers at 10 Skird St Alexandra 9320.

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03-448 7860

International dialing: +64 34487860


Not available



8 Skird St Alexandra

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Alexandra Backpackers 0.01 km
10 Skird St Alexandra 9320

Alexandra Senior Citizens 0.01 km
Skird St Alexandra

Otago Daily Times 0.01 km
18 Skird St Alexandra

Plunket Society 0.0 km
20 Skird St

Stuart A J 0.01 km
C/14 Thompson St Alexandra 9320

Sunday Star-Times and Sunday News 0.01 km
18 Skird St Alexandra


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