Pirker George holds the account for 03-384-1997 and is located at 17 Menlo Tce Mt Pleasant Christchurch 8081, New Zealand.
Pirker George's nearest neighbor is Bielby V G W at 66 Te Awakura Tce St Andrews Hill Christchurch 8081.
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International dialing: +64 33841997
Not available
Bielby V G W
0.04 km
66 Te Awakura Tce St Andrews Hill Christchurch 8081
Burns Adam & Chelle
0.01 km
11 Menlo Tce Mt Pleasant Christchurch 8081
Clarkson David W G & Hill Robin J
0.06 km
69 Te Awakura Tce Mt Pleasant Christchurch 8081
Todd R
0.02 km
7 Menlo Tce St Andrews Hill Christchurch 8081
Tulloch John M C
0.08 km
14 St Andrews Hill Rd St Andrews Hill Christchurch 8081
Zawodny R T & T E
0.08 km
73 Te Awakura Tce Mt Pleasant Christchurch 8081
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