Manuel M F holds the account for 03-312 4919 and is located at 158A High St Oxford 7430, New Zealand.
Manuel M F's nearest neighbor is MacCormack K R at 158A High St Oxford 7430.
Another number — 03-312 1419 — is also associated with this address.
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03-312 4919
International dialing: +64 33124919
Not available
MacCormack K R
0.0 km
158A High St Oxford 7430
Oxford Baptist Church
0.11 km
166 High St Oxford
Oxford Early Learning Centre
0.11 km
166 High St Oxford
Oxford Motor Company Ltd
0.08 km
157 High St Oxford 7430
Oxford Working Men's Club
0.03 km
160 High St Oxford
Poole Maxine & Dawson Murray
0.04 km
155 High St Oxford 7430
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