Barr J holds the account for 03-307 1080 and is located at 36 Friendship La Hampstead Ashburton 7700, New Zealand.
Barr J's nearest neighbor is Clarke H at 44 Friendship La Hampstead Ashburton 7700.
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03-307 1080
International dialing: +64 33071080
Not available
Clarke H
0.0 km
44 Friendship La Hampstead Ashburton 7700
Kelly L I
0.01 km
39 Friendship La Hampstead Ashburton 7700
Kerslake A K M
0.01 km
43 Friendship La Hampstead Ashburton 7700
Niethe S
0.0 km
35 Friendship La Hampstead Ashburton 7700
Toneycliffe I H
0.01 km
46 Friendship La Hampstead Ashburton 7700
Walker E M
0.01 km
38 Friendship La Hampstead Ashburton 7700
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Earthquake Commission (EQC)
Samuel C J Barr
( Geotech Technician)
Auckland City Hospital
barry Barry Lowe
( Consultant gynecologist Auckland City Hospital)
Independent consultant
Barrie Hart
( Consultant)
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