Aotea Electric (Invercargill) Ltd holds the account for 03-214 7707 and is located at 38 Bowmont St Invercargill, New Zealand.
Aotea Electric (Invercargill) Ltd's nearest neighbor is Calder N M at 2/156 Crinan St Invercargill 9812.
Another number — 03-216 8189 — is also associated with this address.
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03-214 7707
International dialing: +64 32147707
Not available
Calder N M
0.14 km
2/156 Crinan St Invercargill 9812
Coca-Cola Amatil (N.Z.) Limited
0.0 km
38 Bowmont St Invercargill
Kuru N E A
0.09 km
143 Ettrick St Invercargill 9812
Ormond C D
0.08 km
155 Nith St Invercargill 9812
Robertson G J
0.08 km
45 Bowmont St Invercargill 9812
Sheet Metalcraft Ltd
0.03 km
33 Bowmont St Invercargill 9812
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