Handojo S holds the account for (02) 9988 3763 and is located at 66 Mona Vale Rd, Pymble, NSW 2073, New Zealand.
Handojo S's nearest neighbor is Barrett M & V at 62 Mona Vale Rd, Pymble, NSW 2073.
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(02) 9988 3763
International dialing: +61 299883763
Not available
Barrett M & V
0.03 km
62 Mona Vale Rd, Pymble, NSW 2073
Gordon F
0.07 km
60 Mona Vale Rd, Pymble, NSW 2073
Lamb M
0.04 km
4 Orana Av, Pymble, NSW 2073
O'Reilly K
0.1 km
6 Orana Ave, Pymble, NSW 2073
Staples G
0.01 km
15 Kywong Av, Pymble, NSW 2073
Ardern K
0.1 km
12 Kywong Av, Pymble, NSW 2073
Handojo S is recorded as residing at 66 Mona Vale Road, Pymble. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 3 car spaces. 66 Mona Vale Road, Pymble was last rented for $330.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent
LJ Hooker - Toowoomba
Last rent value
Last rent date
Jul 2014
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Malaysia Airlines
Santoso Handojo
( National Account Manager)
Your Nursing Agency
Grace Handojo
( Personal Care Assistant)
Paragon Consultants
Michael Handojo
( Accountant (Work Experience))
Harry Handojo
( Volunteer | Adobe Symposium 2019)
Flight Centre
Santoso Handojo
( Solutions Manager)
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