Simecek F holds the account for (02) 9899 8659 and is located at 208 Ridgecrop Dr, Castle Hill, NSW 2154, New Zealand.
Simecek F's nearest neighbor is B Blacklock at 13 Citadel Crs, Castle Hill, NSW 2154.
This number is on the Sydney exchange.
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(02) 9899 8659
International dialing: +61 298998659
Not available
B Blacklock
0.06 km
13 Citadel Crs, Castle Hill, NSW 2154
Dullabh J
0.01 km
7 Citadel Cr, Castle Hill, NSW 2154
Joel I
0.02 km
212 Ridgecrop Dr, Castle Hill, NSW 2154
Nahirny R
0.0 km
2 A Citadel Cres, Castle Hill, NSW 2154
Tsui W
0.04 km
6 Citadel Crs, Castle Hill, NSW 2154
Berghofer S W & V
0.04 km
11 Citadel Crs, Castle Hill, NSW 2154
Simecek F is recorded as residing at 208 Ridgecrop Drive, Castle Hill. This is a house. It is situated on a parcel of land of 888 sqm. 208 Ridgecrop Drive, Castle Hill was last sold for $650,000.
Property type
Block size
888 sqm
Last sold date
Oct 2004
Last sold value
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