R Smith holds the account for (02) 9899 3447 and is located at 24 Mills Rd, Glenhaven, NSW 2156, New Zealand.
R Smith's nearest neighbor is Kitto D at 47 Carinda Drv, Glenhaven, NSW 2156.
This number is on the Sydney exchange.
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(02) 9899 3447
International dialing: +61 298993447
Not available
Kitto D
0.09 km
47 Carinda Drv, Glenhaven, NSW 2156
M Parslow
0.09 km
123 Glenhaven Rd, Glenhaven, NSW 2156
Poth Mr R P
0.09 km
14 Belltree Crs, Castle Hill, NSW 2154
Smith R
0.0 km
24 Mills Rd, Glenhaven, NSW 2156
Strangwick C
0.02 km
26 Mills Rd, Glenhaven, NSW 2156
J Buultjens
0.09 km
14 Belltree Crs, Castle Hill, NSW 2154
R Smith is recorded as residing at 24 Mills Road, Glenhaven. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and 3 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 1,800 sqm. 24 Mills Road, Glenhaven was last sold for $1,500,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
1,800 sqm
Last agent
Century 21 Prime Property Dural
Last sold date
Aug 2006
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute
Kenneth R Smith
( Head Teacher)
Australia Post
David R Smith
( Manager)
Newmont Australia
Cory R. smith, p.e.
( Principal Advisor Open Pit Mining)
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