C Peters holds the account for (02) 9836 2567 and is located at 11 Ludlow St, Stanhope Gardens, NSW 2768, New Zealand.
C Peters's nearest neighbor is Herbert S at 4 Empress Ave, Rouse Hill, NSW 2155.
Another number — (02) 8824 5662 — is also associated with this address.
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(02) 9836 2567
International dialing: +61 298362567
Not available
Herbert S
0.03 km
4 Empress Ave, Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
Henry Katie
0.0 km
11 Ludlow St, Stanhope Gardens, NSW 2768
Hutchins B
0.03 km
131 Milford Drv, Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
Kelshaw Sandra
0.01 km
1 Empress Ave, Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
Powell Mr D
0.02 km
7 Empress Ave, Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
S J Keetch
0.01 km
1 Empress Ave, Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
C Peters is recorded as residing at 11 Ludlow Street, Stanhope Gardens. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. 11 Ludlow Street, Stanhope Gardens was last sold for $699,772. 11 Ludlow Street, Stanhope Gardens was last rented for $710.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent
LJ Hooker - Kellyville and Stanhope Gardens Part o
Last sold date
Jul 2005
Last sold value
Last rent value
Last rent date
Sep 2013
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Marketing Brands
( na)
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
Peter C.
( National WHS Consultant)
WorkSafe Victoria
Peter C.
( Technical Domain Manager)
Taking a break
Peter C.
( Manager)
Australian Federal Government
Peter C.
( Unix Administrator)
IBM Australia Ltd.
Peter C. Miller
( Remote Technical Support System X)
Peter C. Bunn
( Retail Consultant)
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