Shorrock Paula holds the account for (02) 9836 0922 and is located at 50 Poole Rd, Kellyville, NSW 2155, New Zealand.
Shorrock Paula's nearest neighbor is Abourjaily A at 58 Hezlett Rd, Kellyville, NSW 2155.
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(02) 9836 0922
International dialing: +61 298360922
Not available
Abourjaily A
0.11 km
58 Hezlett Rd, Kellyville, NSW 2155
Belmonte G
0.08 km
62 Hezlett Rd, Kellyville, NSW 2155
Bradman R G
0.18 km
56 Hezlett Rd, Kellyville, NSW 2155
Johnston A R
0.19 km
41 Valenti Crs, Kellyville, NSW 2155
Owens Joanne
0.01 km
2 Curtis Rd, Kellyville, NSW 2155
Kopps Mr D
0.18 km
32 Bow Ave, Parklea, NSW 2768
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Aria S
50 Poole Rd, Kellyville, NSW 2155
Shorrock Paula is recorded as residing at 50 Poole Road, Kellyville. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, and 3 car spaces. 50 Poole Road, Kellyville was last sold for $599,000. 50 Poole Road, Kellyville was last rented for $1,265.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent
LJ Hooker - Bella Vista
Last sold date
Sep 1999
Last sold value
Last rent value
Last rent date
Mar 2013
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Commonwealth Bank
Agi Arias
( Senior Manager)
Aria Tzvi
( Technician)
Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts
Aria Wirasmara
( Art Manager)
National Disability Insurance Agency
Aria Zafar
( National Access Officer)
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