P Mala holds the account for (02) 9822 1204 and is located at 2 Barkly Cl, Bonnyrigg Heights, NSW 2177, New Zealand.
P Mala's nearest neighbor is Djordjevic M at 14 Darvell St, Bonnyrigg Heights, NSW 2177.
This number is on the Sydney exchange.
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(02) 9822 1204
International dialing: +61 298221204
Not available
Djordjevic M
0.03 km
14 Darvell St, Bonnyrigg Heights, NSW 2177
Krsmanovic M
0.07 km
12 Fellows Rd, Bonnyrigg Heights, NSW 2177
Pathammavong K
0.01 km
7 Fellows Rd, Bonnyrigg Heights, NSW 2177
T Vo
0.0 km
1 Barkly Cl, Bonnyrigg Heights, NSW 2177
Eris M
0.0 km
5 Fellows Rd, Bonnyrigg Heights, NSW 2177
Hak N
0.03 km
5 Barkly Cl, Bonnyrigg Heights, NSW 2177
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Mala P
2 Barkly Cl, Bonnyrigg Heights, NSW 2177
P Mala is recorded as residing at 2 Barkly Close, Bonnyrigg Heights. This is a house. It is situated on a parcel of land of 503 sqm. 2 Barkly Close, Bonnyrigg Heights was last sold for $575,000.
Property type
Block size
503 sqm
Last sold date
Aug 2003
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Malape Gunawardena
( Chef)
Crowne Plaza Adelaide
Aalap Sheth
( customer service)
St Vincent's Health Australia
Aalap Gandhi
( Technical Support Officer)
Aalap Talati
( Fixed Assets & Projects)
ALH Group
Aalap Rathod
( Chef)
Aalap Gandhi
( ATO Technical Helpdesk Level 1 Agent)
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