Shipton C holds the account for (02) 9654 8801 and is located at 18 Campbell Rd, Kenthurst, NSW 2156, New Zealand.
Shipton C's nearest neighbor is Holland G at 3 Grevillea Pl, Kenthurst, NSW 2156.
Another number — (02) 9654 8802 — is also associated with this address.
This number is on the Sydney exchange.
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(02) 9654 8801
International dialing: +61 296548801
Not available
Holland G
0.19 km
3 Grevillea Pl, Kenthurst, NSW 2156
Holland G
0.19 km
3 Grevillea Pl, Kenthurst, NSW 2156
Shankar K
0.09 km
2 Banksia Pl, Kenthurst, NSW 2156
Shipton C
0.0 km
18 Campbell Rd, Kenthurst, NSW 2156
G Watkin
0.18 km
4 Banksia Pl, Kenthurst, NSW 2156
Mark & Johanna Blows
0.1 km
16 Campbell Rd, Kenthurst, NSW 2156
Shipton C is recorded as residing at 18 Campbell Road, Kenthurst. This is a rural. It has 4 bedrooms, bathrooms, and car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 20,000 sqm. 18 Campbell Road, Kenthurst was last sold for $995,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Block size
20,000 sqm
Last sold date
Oct 2005
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Lockheed Martin
Edward. Shipton
( Aegis installation engineer)
Greenpeace Australia Pacific
Max Shipton
( Assistant Accountant)
University of Queensland
Ceri Shipton
( Post-Doctoral Research Fellow)
Perth Children’s Hospital
Nicolene Shipton
( Adolescent Medicine and Eating Disorders)
Vincent Shipton
( mechanic/electrician)
Attorney-General's Department
Alison Shipton
( Director, ICT Service Delivery)
Dodo Australia
Alan Shipton
( Plant Operator/Maintainer)
Pascoe Partners
Wendy Shipton
( Accountant)
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