Evenden P holds the account for (02) 9654 2051 and is located at 150 Annangrove Rd, Annangrove, NSW 2156, New Zealand.
Evenden P's nearest neighbor is K F Barry at 35 Colbran Ave, Kenthurst, NSW 2156.
Another number — (02) 9654 2401 — is also associated with this address.
This number is on the Sydney exchange.
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(02) 9654 2051
International dialing: +61 296542051
Not available
K F Barry
0.18 km
35 Colbran Ave, Kenthurst, NSW 2156
Evenden P & B
0.0 km
150 Annangrove Rd, Annangrove, NSW 2156
Kwanten M
0.22 km
148 Annangrove Rd, Annangrove, NSW 2156
Louwen A D
0.22 km
140 Annangrove Rd, Annangrove, NSW 2156
O'Sullivan E
0.18 km
37 Colbran Ave, Kenthurst, NSW 2156
Stuart M
0.21 km
33 Colbran Ave, Kenthurst, NSW 2156
Evenden P is recorded as residing at 150 Annangrove Road, Annangrove. This is a house. It has 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and 4 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 14,071 sqm. 150 Annangrove Road, Annangrove was last sold for $1,200,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
14,071 sqm
Last agent
L J Hooker Dural
Last sold date
Aug 2007
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
TriCare Limited
Charmaine Evenden
( Ain)
Ray White
Jackson Evenden
( Sales Agent)
Queensland Health
Charmaine Evenden
( Registered Nurse)
Department of Education and Early Childhood
Evenden, Lm
( Coordinator Ballarat English Language Centre)
Alicia Evenden
( Admin)
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