Deucher K holds the account for (02) 9652 2733 and is located at 127a Cattai Ridge Rd, Glenorie, NSW 2157, New Zealand.
Deucher K's nearest neighbor is J & D Burns at 50 Halcrows Rd, Glenorie, NSW 2157.
This number is on the Sydney exchange.
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(02) 9652 2733
International dialing: +61 296522733
Not available
J & D Burns
0.2 km
50 Halcrows Rd, Glenorie, NSW 2157
Dunsford Ailsa Edith
0.51 km
24 Halcrows Rd, Glenorie, NSW 2157
Kemmis M & K
0.19 km
60 Halcrows Rd, Glenorie, NSW 2157
Scott E P
0.58 km
23 Halcrows Rd, Glenorie, NSW 2157
Brightman J
0.22 km
70 Halcrows Rd, Glenorie, NSW 2157
Borton L
0.22 km
70 Halcrows Rd, Glenorie, NSW 2157
Deucher K is recorded as residing at 127A Cattai Ridge Road, Glenorie. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 4 car spaces. 127A Cattai Ridge Road, Glenorie was last rented for $580.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent
Guardian Realty - Dural
Last rent value
Last rent date
May 2012
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