Robertcleven Cleven holds the account for 0288247739 and is located at 5 Manderlay Cl, Kellyville, NSW 2155, New Zealand.
Robertcleven Cleven's nearest neighbor is Chase I & C at 12 Oak Tree Gr, Kellyville, NSW 2155.
This number is on the Sydney exchange.
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International dialing: +61 288247739
Not available
Chase I & C
0.04 km
12 Oak Tree Gr, Kellyville, NSW 2155
L Lao
0.03 km
24 Ardley Ave, Kellyville, NSW 2155
Lyte-Mason R
0.03 km
94 Rosebery Rd, Kellyville, NSW 2155
K Singh
0.03 km
94 Rosebery Rd, Kellyville, NSW 2155
M Cassar
0.0 km
33 Ballymena Way, Kellyville, NSW 2155
L McIntosh
0.03 km
96 Rosebery Rd, Kellyville, NSW 2155
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Cleven Robertcleven
5 Manderlay Cl, Kellyville, NSW 2155
Robertcleven Cleven is recorded as residing at 5 Manderlay Close, Kellyville. This is a house. It is situated on a parcel of land of 693 sqm. 5 Manderlay Close, Kellyville was last sold for $418,500.
Property type
Block size
693 sqm
Last sold date
Nov 2005
Last sold value
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