M Smith holds the account for (02) 6628 5503 and is located at 479 Wardell Rd, Lynwood, NSW 2477, New Zealand.
M Smith's nearest neighbor is Bryce V J & M J at 607 Wardell Rd, Alstonville, NSW 2477.
This number is on the Coffs Harbour, Grafton, Lismore, Murwillumbah exchange.
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(02) 6628 5503
International dialing: +61 266285503
Not available
Bryce V J & M J
0.6 km
607 Wardell Rd, Alstonville, NSW 2477
Giles R J & J M
0.6 km
477 Wardell Rd, Dalwood, NSW 2335
A P Hey
0.53 km
509 Wardell Rd, Dalwood (Ballina), NSW 2477
A M Reilly
0.24 km
456 Wardell Rd, Dalwood (Ballina), NSW 2477
M Steele
0.53 km
509 Wardell Rd, Dalwood, NSW 2335
T Sally Jane
0.47 km
449 Wardell Rd, Lynwood, NSW 2477
M Smith is recorded as residing at 479 Wardell Road, Lynwood. This is a house. It is situated on a parcel of land of 160,000 sqm. 479 Wardell Road, Lynwood was last sold for $215,000.
Property type
Block size
160,000 sqm
Last sold date
May 2002
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Judy Msmith
( Nurse)
Griffith University
Tanya M. Smith
( Professor, Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution)
Therapeutic Goods Administration
Keith M Smith
( Auditor, Office of Manufacturing Quality)
BCM Partnership
Jeffrey M Smith
( Writer)
Ingrid M. Smith
( Writer/author)
barry m smith
( Manager)
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