K Redmond holds the account for (02) 6255 1088 and is located at 155 Osburn Dr, MacGregor, ACT 2615, New Zealand.
K Redmond's nearest neighbor is M Kaltoum at 160 Osburn Dr, MacGregor, ACT 2615.
This number is on the Canberra, Queanbeyan, Yass exchange.
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(02) 6255 1088
International dialing: +61 262551088
Not available
M Kaltoum
0.09 km
160 Osburn Dr, MacGregor, ACT 2615
A Kennedy
0.01 km
153 Osburn Drv, MacGregor, ACT 2615
McCarthy T
0.01 km
157 Osbourne Dr, MacGregor, ACT 2615
A Preston
0.08 km
15 O'Reilly St, MacGregor, ACT 2615
Trevaskis G J
0.08 km
170 Osburn Drv, MacGregor, ACT 2615
G Writer
0.06 km
4 Bennie St, MacGregor, ACT 2615
K Redmond is recorded as residing at 155 Osburn Drive, Macgregor. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, bathrooms, and car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 609 sqm. 155 Osburn Drive, Macgregor was last sold for $220,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Block size
609 sqm
Last sold date
May 2002
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Jonathan D. Redmond
( Counsellor)
Ivo Redmond
( Sales And Leasing Consultant)
Warwick Williams Real Estate
Redmond Barrett
( real estate agent)
Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research
Redmond Billy
( Customer Service Manager)
wesley hospital
redmond dickson
( brain surgeon)
Pitcher Partners
Redmond Giacomini
( Tax Consultant at Pitcher Partners)
Redmond Hamel
( IT Helpdesk Support)
Energy Australia
Redmond Julie
( Operating Content and Tools specialist)
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