Plunkett Y holds the account for (02) 6254 5708 and is located at 196 Osburn Dr, MacGregor, ACT 2615, New Zealand.
Plunkett Y's nearest neighbor is Cornell K at 46 Brownless St, MacGregor, ACT 2615.
This number is on the Canberra, Queanbeyan, Yass exchange.
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(02) 6254 5708
International dialing: +61 262545708
Not available
Cornell K
0.09 km
46 Brownless St, MacGregor, ACT 2615
Gobell J N
0.02 km
3 Clement Pl, MacGregor, ACT 2615
McDonald G K
0.09 km
4 Luther Pl, MacGregor, ACT 2615
R Morrissey-Smith
0.02 km
200 Osburn Dr, MacGregor, ACT 2615
Ruthven D H & K O
0.06 km
8 Clement Pl, MacGregor, ACT 2615
Stanford B
0.09 km
15 Packham Pl, Charnwood, ACT 2615
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Retired and enjoying time to pursue personal interests and family
Ursula Plunkett
( Retired)
Whirlpool Corporation
Trish Plunkett
( Case Manager)
CatholicCare Wollongong
Roseanne Plunkett
( Manager of the School Student and Family Program)
Rushka Plunkett
( Director)
Melbourne Health
Lizz Plunkett
( Medical Imaging Intern)
Adrian Plunkett
( Hospitality Manager)
IP Australia
Adrian Plunkett
( Director, Property and Services)
Quantum IT
Adrian Plunkett
( Head of Innovation / Program Manager / Principal Consultant)
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