S Jangra holds the account for (02) 6254 3897 and is located at 158 Starke St, Holt, ACT 2615, New Zealand.
S Jangra's nearest neighbor is Feng A at 12 Luke St, Holt, ACT 2615.
Another number — (02) 6254 8334 — is also associated with this address.
This number is on the Canberra, Queanbeyan, Yass exchange.
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(02) 6254 3897
International dialing: +61 262543897
Not available
Feng A
0.0 km
12 Luke St, Holt, ACT 2615
F Forato
0.0 km
158 Starke St, Holt, ACT 2615
Foster M & A
0.0 km
12 Luke St, Holt, ACT 2615
Francis E
0.0 km
12 Luke St, Holt, ACT 2615
P R Jeffrey
0.0 km
12 Luke St, Holt, ACT 2615
Steve Ryan
0.0 km
12 Luke St, Holt, ACT 2615
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Jangra S
158 Starke St, Holt, ACT 2615
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Anhad Jangra
( Team Member)
The Global Beauty Group
Vikram Jangra
( Accountant)
O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat, Villas and Lost World Spa & Conference Centre
Sunil Jangra
( Cafe Manager)
Red Rock Consulting
Mamta Jangra
( Demantra Developer)
Madan Jangra
( Networks Assurance Manager)
Vodafone Australia
Sandeep Jangra
( Capacity and Performance mgmt.)
Dimple Jangra
( manager)
James Cook University
Mrinalini Jangra
( Intern)
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