Brown S holds the account for (02) 6156 0973 and is located at 69 Ashburner St, Higgins, ACT 2615, New Zealand.
Brown S's nearest neighbor is J Alsford at 65 Ashburner St, Higgins, ACT 2615.
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(02) 6156 0973
International dialing: +61 261560973
Not available
J Alsford
0.04 km
65 Ashburner St, Higgins, ACT 2615
Alston S
0.06 km
36 Macnaughton St, Higgins, ACT 2615
Bazen Mr D J
0.02 km
73 Ashburner St, Higgins, ACT 2615
B M Calliess
0.02 km
67 Ashburner St, Higgins, ACT 2615
E W Chen
0.07 km
109 Starke St, Higgins, ACT 2615
Streeter R
0.01 km
75 Ashburner St, Higgins, ACT 2615
Brown S is recorded as residing at 69 Ashburner Street, Higgins. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 1 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 733 sqm. 69 Ashburner Street, Higgins was last sold for $395,000. 69 Ashburner Street, Higgins was last rented for $370pw.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
733 sqm
Last agent
R&H Canberra
Last sold date
Mar 2011
Last sold value
Last rent value
Last rent date
May 2009
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Eileen -Corrective S Brown
( Probation and Parole Officer)
Blacktown City Council
Graeme brown Brown
( Truck Driver)
martin brown brown
( wine taster)
NT Department of Education
Brown, Andreaj Brown
( Administration)
Stephen Brown Brown
( business manager)
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