Glawson B holds the account for (02) 4844 7203 and is located at 2138 Windellama Rd, Quialigo, NSW 2580, New Zealand.
Glawson B's nearest neighbor is Atra L at 2215 Windellama Rd, Quialigo, NSW 2580.
This number is on the Bowral, Crookwell, Goulburn, Marulan exchange.
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(02) 4844 7203
International dialing: +61 248447203
Not available
Atra L
0.82 km
2215 Windellama Rd, Quialigo, NSW 2580
C Gardner
0.9 km
2164 Windellama Rd, Quialigo, NSW 2580
D & L Lavender
0.77 km
Golden Plains Drv, Quialigo, NSW 2580
Smith K J
0.84 km
2061 Windellama Rd, Quialigo, NSW 2580
Davies H
0.82 km
2063 Windellama Rd, Quialigo, NSW 2580
Hunt J
0.0 km
2138 Windellama Rd, Quialigo, NSW 2580
Glawson B is recorded as residing at 2138 Windellama Road, Quialigo. This is a rural. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 402,100 sqm. 2138 Windellama Road, Quialigo was last sold for $740,000. 2138 Windellama Road, Quialigo was last rented for $450pw.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
402,100 sqm
Last sold date
Apr 2014
Last sold value
Last rent value
Last rent date
Apr 2015
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Ron Finemore Transport
Bruce glawson
( Driver)
Close To My Heart
Gill Glawson
( independant consultant)
Russell G Lawson
( Paint Department)
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