T Geyer holds the account for (02) 4844 7016 and is located at 2137 Windellama Rd, Quialigo, NSW 2580, New Zealand.
T Geyer's nearest neighbor is Atra L at 2215 Windellama Rd, Quialigo, NSW 2580.
This number is on the Bowral, Crookwell, Goulburn, Marulan exchange.
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(02) 4844 7016
International dialing: +61 248447016
Not available
Atra L
0.52 km
2215 Windellama Rd, Quialigo, NSW 2580
Gardiner J
1.05 km
1999 Windellama Rd, Quialigo, NSW 2580
C Gardner
1.92 km
2164 Windellama Rd, Quialigo, NSW 2580
S Fitzgerald
2.08 km
1990 Windellama Rd, Quialigo, NSW 2580
Smith K J
1.25 km
2061 Windellama Rd, Quialigo, NSW 2580
K P Whitfield
0.91 km
2217 Windellama Rd, Quialigo, NSW 2580
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Geyer T
2137 Windellama Rd, Quialigo, NSW 2580
T Geyer is recorded as residing at 2137 Windellama Road, Quialigo. This is a house. It is situated on a parcel of land of 590,575 sqm. 2137 Windellama Road, Quialigo was last sold for $150,000.
Property type
Block size
590,575 sqm
Last sold date
Nov 2001
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Robert Gederts
( na)
Janine Gebert
( Human Resources Advisor)
Ingenia Communities Group
Sharon Gebert
( Park Manager)
Australian Industry Group
Ramon Gebert
( Senior Adviser - Safety & Workers Compensation Services)
Rollease Acmeda
Rachelle Gebert
( Communications Specialist)
Sonia Gebert
( Homemaker)
La Trobe University
Benjamin Gebert
( Residential Assistant)
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