Mesiti M holds the account for (02) 4844 5993 and is located at 3279 Oallen Ford Rd, Windellama, NSW 2580, New Zealand.
Mesiti M's nearest neighbor is Gerstenmeier D at 3323 Oallen Ford Rd, Windellama, NSW 2580.
This number is on the Bowral, Crookwell, Goulburn, Marulan exchange.
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(02) 4844 5993
International dialing: +61 248445993
Not available
Gerstenmeier D
0.32 km
3323 Oallen Ford Rd, Windellama, NSW 2580
Halbert T
0.56 km
3170 Oallen Ford Rd, Windellama, NSW 2580
K N McGaw
0.71 km
3343 Oallen Ford Rd, Windellama, NSW 2580
A C Paton
0.67 km
3195 Oallen Ford Rd, Windellama, NSW 2580
R Shaw
0.36 km
3225 Oallen Ford Rd, Windellama, NSW 2580
N E Williams
1.25 km
3370 Oallen Ford Rd, Windellama, NSW 2580
Mesiti M is recorded as residing at 3279 Oallen Ford Road, Windellama. This is a land rural. It has 4 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 202,300 sqm. 3279 Oallen Ford Road, Windellama was last sold for $320,000.
Property type
land rural
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Block size
202,300 sqm
Last sold date
May 2014
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Bardot Pty Ltd
Hailee Mesiti
( Retail Sales Assistant)
FremantleMedia Australia
Eduardo Mesiti
( Transcriber)
Dixon Hospitality
Eduart Mesiti
( General Manager)
City West Water
Lina Mesiti
( Media and Government Relations Adviser)
Primary OSHCare
Sarah Mesiti
( Co-Ordinator)
Department of Communities
Christine Mesiti
( Applications Coordinator)
Miguel Mesiti
( Team Leader, Business Systems - Systems Technology)
Macquarie University
Melissa Mesiti
( Senior Employee Relations Consultant)
BHP Petroleum
Emma Mesiti
( Senior Advisor)
Woolworths Limited
Vincent Mesiti
( Retail manager)
Australian Government Department of Human Services
Kathryn Mesiti
( Executive Officer - Group Manager; People, Capability and Communication)
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