Dixon J holds the account for (02) 4844 5870 and is located at 238 Wolgon Rd, Oallen, NSW 2622, New Zealand.
Dixon J's nearest neighbor is Dupont P A at 327 Wolgon Rd, Oallen, NSW 2622.
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(02) 4844 5870
International dialing: +61 248445870
Not available
Dupont P A
1.1 km
327 Wolgon Rd, Oallen, NSW 2622
Hudson P
1.51 km
498 Jerralong St, Oallen, NSW 2622
McKeown P
1.1 km
394 Jerralong Rd, Oallen, NSW 2622
Gordon McLean
2.11 km
552 Jerralong Rd, Oallen, NSW 2622
Mitchell S
0.86 km
385 Wolgon Rd, Oallen, NSW 2622
Mitchell Shane
0.86 km
385 Wolgon Rd, Oallen, NSW 2622
Dixon J is recorded as residing at 238 Wolgon Road, Oallen. This is a rural. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 3 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 404,700 sqm. 238 Wolgon Road, Oallen was last sold for $375,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
404,700 sqm
Last sold date
Mar 2015
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Michael J Dixon
( Watson and IoT - Asia Pacific)
Michael J Dixon
( Consulting, Skiing, Surfing, Cycling, not necessarily in that order)
Tidewater Marine
Peter Dixon dixon
( cook i hope)
Thornlie Christian College
Gerri dixon Dixon
( Major Retired)
Pace Development Group
Madeleena Dixon
( Strategy & Insights Manager)
Grant Broadcasters
Macka Dixon
( Announcer)
Woods Bagot
rebeccah dixon
( Administration Manager)
Primary School
berys dixon
( mrs)
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