Roder L holds the account for (02) 4844 5626 and is located at 44 Chugga La, Windellama, NSW 2580, New Zealand.
Roder L's nearest neighbor is Bryant D E at "Bluey's Run" 625 Spa Rd, Windellama, NSW 2580.
This number is on the Bowral, Crookwell, Goulburn, Marulan exchange.
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(02) 4844 5626
International dialing: +61 248445626
Not available
Bryant D E
1.51 km
"Bluey's Run" 625 Spa Rd, Windellama, NSW 2580
Mr S & M Konstandinou
0.94 km
708 Spa Rd, Windellama, NSW 2580
Mitchel A
1.87 km
Bullamalita Rd, Windellama, NSW 2580
Moser J & K
1.54 km
143 Chugga La, Windellama, NSW 2580
Mr M Ratheth
1.04 km
118 Chugga La, Windellama, NSW 2580
Webb V I
1.56 km
41 Nerrimunga Creek Rd, Windellama, NSW 2580
Roder L is recorded as residing at 44 Chugga Lane, Windellama. This is a house. It is situated on a parcel of land of 790,000 sqm. 44 Chugga Lane, Windellama was last sold for $295,000.
Property type
Block size
790,000 sqm
Last sold date
Oct 2005
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
REA Group
Francisco Rodera
( Senior Systems Engineer)
Alex Balderas Rodero
( Construction Engineer)
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