Wood R holds the account for (02) 4587 9229 and is located at 17 Havelock St, McGraths Hill, NSW 2756, New Zealand.
Wood R's nearest neighbor is Higson Darrin at 27 Havelock St, McGraths Hill, NSW 2756.
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(02) 4587 9229
International dialing: +61 245879229
Not available
Higson Darrin
0.06 km
27 Havelock St, McGraths Hill, NSW 2756
Mr S A Mangan
0.09 km
20 Havelock St, McGraths Hill, NSW 2756
McGarry P
0.04 km
21 Havelock St, McGraths Hill, NSW 2756
Monaghan R B
0.07 km
29 Havelock St, McGraths Hill, NSW 2756
D J Smith
0.02 km
37 Garfield St, McGraths Hill, NSW 2756
Lloyd J
0.06 km
27 Havelock St, McGraths Hill, NSW 2756
Wood R is recorded as residing at 17 Havelock Street, McGraths Hill. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 3 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 702 sqm. 17 Havelock Street, McGraths Hill was last sold for $540,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
702 sqm
Last agent
Raine & Horne - Windsor
Last sold date
Nov 2013
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Griffith University
Peter R. Woods
( Director International, Griffith Business School)
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources
Ian R Woods (伊恩 伍兹)
( Senior Business Development Manager - Financial and Professional Services)
UNICEF Australia
Alix Woldring
( Marketing Volunteer)
Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited
Alix Woldring
( Office Administration Assistant)
South Metropolitan Health Service
Chloe Goodred
( Innovation Consultant)
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