Ross M holds the account for (02) 4572 3076 and is located at 81 Smith Rd, Oakville, NSW 2765, New Zealand.
Ross M's nearest neighbor is J N Dillon at Dillon 77 Smith Rd, Oakville, NSW 2765.
This number is on the Windsor, Richmond exchange.
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(02) 4572 3076
International dialing: +61 245723076
Not available
J N Dillon
0.1 km
Dillon 77 Smith Rd, Oakville, NSW 2765
R K & J M Newland
0.1 km
89 Smith Rd, Oakville, NSW 2765
Porter D
0.19 km
88 Smith Rd, Oakville, NSW 2765
Woolcock K W
0.08 km
65 Smith Rd, Oakville, NSW 2765
Ellicott S
0.21 km
97 Smith Rd, Oakville, NSW 2765
Woolcock C
0.08 km
65 Smith Rd, Oakville, NSW 2765
Ross M is recorded as residing at 81 Smith Road, Oakville. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 4 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 20,230 sqm. 81 Smith Road, Oakville was last sold for $1,200,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
20,230 sqm
Last agent
Starr Partners - Windsor
Last sold date
11 Dec 2014
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Ross M. Taylor
( Investigator)
Alive 90.5 FM
Ross M Fear
( Announcer/Producer - Australian Spectrum Show)
Ross I-M
( God)
Greening Australia
A-m Clunies-ross
( Office Manager)
Arnold Bloch Leibler
Suzy Goss, MLIS, ASARP
( Records Officer)
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