Daly K R holds the account for (02) 4390 4026 and is located at 132 Manoa Rd, Halekulani, NSW 2262, New Zealand.
Daly K R's nearest neighbor is Baxter Terri at 1 Wailele Ave, Halekulani, NSW 2262.
This number is on the Gosford, Central Coast exchange.
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(02) 4390 4026
International dialing: +61 243904026
Not available
Baxter Terri
0.06 km
1 Wailele Ave, Halekulani, NSW 2262
Bennett G R
0.01 km
159 Delia Ave, Budgewoi, NSW 2262
Cuff D
0.07 km
121 Manoa Rd, Halekulani, NSW 2262
R Wilson
0.08 km
119 Manoa Rd, Halekulani, NSW 2262
Bennett G R
0.01 km
159 Delia Ave, Halekulani, NSW 2262
Calverley R
0.06 km
138 Manoa Rd, Halekulani, NSW 2262
Daly K R is recorded as residing at 132 Manoa Road, Halekulani. This is a house. It is situated on a parcel of land of 556 sqm. 132 Manoa Road, Halekulani was last sold for $340,000.
Property type
Block size
556 sqm
Last sold date
Dec 2006
Last sold value
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