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Public Transport Authority


For full search capability and more complete coverage, see Public Transport Authority on Job Lookup.

Joanna Cullen
Customer Service Officer Transwa geo_icon Perth
Katharine Thayer
Transit Officer geo_icon Perth
Marc O'Connor
Network Security Engineer geo_icon Perth, Western Australia
Aiden Fisher
Lecturer geo_icon Perth
Shane Cross
Information Services & Disposal Coordinator geo_icon Perth
Paul Peatey
Corporate Information Officer geo_icon Perth, Western Australia
Jason Mathlin
Electrical Supervisor geo_icon Perth
Debbie Tiernan
Project Finance Coordinator geo_icon Perth
Learning and Development Officer geo_icon Perth
Theresa Mesquita
Executive Assistant to Director Infrastructure Planning & Land Services geo_icon Perth
Siobhan Roche
Administrative Assistant geo_icon Perth
Jay Stavert
Apprentice heavy diesel mechanic geo_icon Perth
Bryce Deaton
Rolling Stock Maintenance Supervisor geo_icon Mount Lawley, Western Australia
Melissa Murphy
OSH Assistant geo_icon Perth
john cabrera
Driver Trainer Transperth Train Operations geo_icon Perth
Urban Railcar Driver geo_icon Western Australia
Programmer Analyst geo_icon Perth
Sian MacGregor
Project and Administration Officer - Transwa geo_icon Perth
Bob Briggs
Station Sargeant Major Bovington Garrison geo_icon Halls Head, Western Australia
Anna Mutzenich
Railcar Driver geo_icon Perth
document control archives geo_icon Perth
Craig Steel
Prosecutor geo_icon Perth
Derick B.
Student Rail Engineer geo_icon Perth
Hayden Diss
Investigation Officer geo_icon Perth
Sophie Sullivan
Video Office Assistant geo_icon Perth
Transperth Security geo_icon Perth
Burtie Gouws
Public Officer geo_icon Perth
Student Rail Engineer - Electrical geo_icon Mount Lawley, Western Australia
Amy Ren
Contract Coordinator geo_icon Perth
Graeme Tonkin
Signal Fitter geo_icon Perth