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NZ Police


For full search capability and more complete coverage, see NZ Police on Job Lookup.

Adrian Hoskins
District Services Engineer geo_icon Wellington Region
Alex Wieland
Team Leader 105 geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Steve Pike
Supervisor geo_icon New Zealand
Chang Gao
Accounts geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Brad Kirtlan
Sergeant geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Police Detective geo_icon New Zealand
Jen Hansen
Response Manager geo_icon Masterton, Wellington Region
Dean Anderson
Detective Senior Sergeant geo_icon Waikato
Laura Hardaker
Safer People Team Administrator geo_icon Wellington Region
Stewart Milner
Director HR Operations geo_icon New Zealand
Harin Choi
Multimedia Designer geo_icon Wellington Region
Ted Johnson
Police Officer geo_icon New Zealand
Chris Haines
Commercial Vehicle Investigation Unit Member geo_icon New Zealand
Director geo_icon Wellington, Wellington Region
Chris McRae
Regional Sales Manager geo_icon Waikato
Melissa Adams
Senior Test Analyst geo_icon Wellington Region
David Baker
Forensic Accountant geo_icon Bay of Plenty
Janelle Timmins
Police Officer geo_icon New Zealand
Hannah Campbell
Information Officer geo_icon Wellington Region
Bruce lamb
Policeman geo_icon New Zealand
Odette Wright
Strategic Workforce Analyst geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Hank van Engelen
Forensic Photographer geo_icon Northland
Rachel K.
PASS Leader geo_icon Wellington, Wellington Region
Jane McGill
Secondary teacher geo_icon Hawke’s Bay
Hope Derig (nee Adams)
Team Leader geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Luke Serfontein
Police Constable geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Sarah Gales
Watchhouse Officer geo_icon Waikato
Kerrin Gordon
Accounts Administrator geo_icon Wellington Region
Steve Downie
Police Sergeant geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Jamie Sugden
File Manager geo_icon New Zealand