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Inland Revenue NZ


For full search capability and more complete coverage, see Inland Revenue NZ on Job Lookup.

Nisha Nair
Intelligence and Insight Specialist geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Sara Daley
Senior Anlayst geo_icon New Zealand
Andrew James
Portfolio Manager geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Anna Kemp
Marketing Specialist - Marketing & Communications geo_icon Wellington Region
Cindy Hu, CA
Investigator geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Simon Dannefaerd
ARIS Architect / Administrator – Business Transformation geo_icon Wellington Region
Makayla Stewart
HR Assistant geo_icon Tauranga
Kaylynne Bell
Group Lead geo_icon Waikato
Lisa Meng
Peer Mentoring Group Leader | Tutor geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Terence Chan
Senior Network Specialist geo_icon New Zealand
Scott Petty
Analyst geo_icon New Zealand
Amanda Gray
Technical Specialist Network Co-ordinator geo_icon Waikato
Jordan Aquila (He/Him)
Training Analyst geo_icon Wellington Region
Keith Ward
Senior Investigator geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Shane Neal
Project Manager geo_icon New Zealand
Karen Lau
Senior Policy Advisor geo_icon New Zealand
Hannah Mclean
Catering Manager geo_icon Canterbury
Rosalie Feleti-Ivala
Customer Service Officer geo_icon New Zealand
Lisa Buchanan
Specialist Investigator geo_icon New Zealand
Farrell Miranda
Collections Officer geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Raelene Stewart
Group Lead, Micro Business and Not for Profit Segment, Inland Revenue geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Helen Salisbury
Senior Solicitor, Litigation Management geo_icon New Zealand
Matt Woolley
Senior Internal Auditor geo_icon New Zealand
Campbell Hutton
Acting Restaurant Manager geo_icon Christchurch, Canterbury
Brandon Sloan
Principal Policy Advisor geo_icon New Zealand
Clifton Bush
Collections Officer geo_icon New Zealand
Loren Theobald
Marketing and Advertising Consultant geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Andrew Bruce
Customer Service Team Lead geo_icon Wellington, Wellington Region
Diana Fan
Outreach and Information Advisor geo_icon New Zealand
Sue Davidson
Team Leader geo_icon Wellington Region