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Curtin University of Technology


For full search capability and more complete coverage, see Curtin University of Technology on Job Lookup.

Sessional Academic geo_icon Perth
Brian Boswell
Lecturer geo_icon Perth
Suzanne Yates
Project coordinator geo_icon Perth
Samantha Smith
Gallery Communications Coordinator geo_icon Australia
Astrid Overklift VK
Academic Support geo_icon Perth
Shirley Royan
Laboratory Support Officer geo_icon Perth
Franz Schlagenhaufer
Research Engineer geo_icon Perth
PhD Candidate geo_icon Perth Area
Peter Bloor
Research Administrator geo_icon Perth
Research Student geo_icon Victoria Park, Western Australia
Stephen Neille
Dr geo_icon Perth
student geo_icon Western Australia
Peter Betz
Team Lead - Alfresco Development geo_icon Perth
Wei Dien, Edwin HO
Graduate geo_icon Perth
Merv Fiedler
Lead Lecturer geo_icon Sydney
Kevin Fynn
Professor, Head of School, School of Electrical Engineering and Computing geo_icon Perth
Anibeth Desierto
Academic Staff geo_icon Perth
Ian Bailey
Senior Adjunct Teaching Fellow geo_icon Perth
Instructional Designer geo_icon Perth Area
Grant Keady
Adjunct Associate Professor geo_icon Perth
Xiaohua (David) Zhao
Lecturer geo_icon Perth
Xiaohua (David) Zhao
Lecturer geo_icon Perth
Student geo_icon Perth
Shaomin Liu
Professor geo_icon Perth
Gerry Waneck
Adjunct Professor, School of Pharmacy geo_icon Perth
student geo_icon Perth
Dr geo_icon Perth
Harry Bloch
Professor of Economics geo_icon Perth
Mattie Turnbull
University Lecturer geo_icon Perth
student geo_icon Perth