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The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Ltd


For full search capability and more complete coverage, see The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Ltd on Job Lookup.

Scientist geo_icon Waikato
Scientist geo_icon New Zealand
Human Resources Analyst geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Postdoctoral Research Fellow geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
scientist geo_icon New Zealand
Research Scientist geo_icon Canterbury
Ralph Scott
Plant Scientist geo_icon Canterbury
Monika Walter
Scientist geo_icon Nelson, Nelson
Mette Nielsen
Entomologist geo_icon Canterbury
N Marcela Martinez-Sanchez
Research Associate geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Megan Gee
Knowledge Navigator geo_icon Canterbury
Nicholas Feisst
Research Associate geo_icon Waikato
Emily Buck
Team Leader - Mapping & Markers (from March 2017) geo_icon New Zealand
Jacky Zhu
Bioprocess Engineer geo_icon New Zealand
Kate McMahon
Purchasing Officer geo_icon New Zealand
Robert Lamberts
Science Photographer geo_icon Nelson, Nelson
Steve Thomas
Senior Scientist geo_icon Canterbury
Mary Horner
Scientist geo_icon Hawke’s Bay
Ian Horner
Team Leader, Pathogen Biology and Ecology geo_icon Hawke’s Bay
david logan
Team Leader/Senior Scientist geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Bodhi Bettjeman
Research Associate geo_icon New Zealand
Canhong Cheng
Scientist geo_icon New Zealand
Ella Grierson
Research Associate geo_icon Waikato
Aleise Puketapu
Scientist, Kiwifruit Entomology geo_icon Waikato
Paul Datson
Scientist geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Andrew Catanach
Scientist geo_icon Canterbury
Asha Chhagan
Entomologist geo_icon New Zealand
Jingli Zhang
Senior Scientist/Laboratory Technologist geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Nayer Ngametua
Checkout Operator geo_icon New Zealand
Kris Kramer-Walter
Research Associate geo_icon Bay of Plenty