Solberg M holds the account for (07) 5525 2277 and is located at 15 Sugarglider La, Mudgeeraba, QLD 4213, New Zealand.
Solberg M's nearest neighbor is Flanagan A at 19 Tuena St, Mudgeeraba, QLD 4213.
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(07) 5525 2277
International dialing: +61 755252277
Not available
Flanagan A
0.01 km
19 Tuena St, Mudgeeraba, QLD 4213
Hitchins D
0.06 km
22 Sugarglider La, Mudgeeraba, QLD 4213
Lelay Kieran
0.02 km
14 Sugarglider La, Mudgeeraba, QLD 4213
Parker M
0.03 km
20 Sugarglider La, Mudgeeraba, QLD 4213
Joy Sherriff
0.01 km
16 Sugarglider La, Mudgeeraba, QLD 4213
D Strydom
0.0 km
15 Sugarglider La, Mudgeeraba, QLD 4213
Solberg M is recorded as residing at 15 Sugarglider Lane, Mudgeeraba. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 600 sqm. 15 Sugarglider Lane, Mudgeeraba was last sold for $335,000. 15 Sugarglider Lane, Mudgeeraba was last rented for $490pw.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
600 sqm
Last agent
Robina+ Realty - Robina
Last sold date
Jun 2012
Last sold value
Last rent value
Last rent date
Feb 2008
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Living Edge
Alina Solberg
( Interior Designer)
Alina Solberg
( Coaching General Manager)
NSW Ambulance Service
Kylie Solberg
( Paramedic)
Rivergum Homes
Joanne Solberg
( New Home Sales Consultant)
Marketing Brands
sam solberg
( personal assistant)
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