Steyer P holds the account for (03) 9754 7286 and is located at 7 Thompson Rd, Upwey, VIC 3158, New Zealand.
Steyer P's nearest neighbor is P G Chandler at 14 Bayview Ave, Upwey, VIC 3158.
This number is on the Melbourne exchange.
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(03) 9754 7286
International dialing: +61 397547286
Not available
P G Chandler
0.07 km
14 Bayview Ave, Upwey, VIC 3158
Darmanin F
0.06 km
14 Thompson Rd, Upwey, VIC 3158
Ferguson J
0.06 km
16 Thompson Rd, Upwey, VIC 3158
D Hansen
0.0 km
15 Thompson Rd, Upwey, VIC 3158
Sandison E
0.04 km
12 Bayview Ave, Upwey, VIC 3158
Veal Sharyne
0.04 km
42 Ternes Rd, Upwey, VIC 3158
Steyer P is recorded as residing at 7 Thompson Road, Upwey. This is a house. It has 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and 3 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 1,003 sqm. 7 Thompson Road, Upwey was last sold for $631,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
1,003 sqm
Last agent
First National Real Estate Ranges - Belgrave
Last sold date
Dec 2013
Last sold value
Listed value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Roberto Steyer
( Electronics Engineer)
CB&I Kentz Joint Venture (CKJV)
Chris Steyer
( Electrical Pre-Commissioning Supervisor)
Lexmark International (Australia) Pty Ltd
Imke Steyer
( Financial Analyst)
Doltone House
Ricardo Steyer
( Events Team leader)
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