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Ambulance Service of NSW


For full search capability and more complete coverage, see Ambulance Service of NSW on Job Lookup.

Station Officer geo_icon Sydney
Operations Manager geo_icon Sydney
Intensive Care Paramedic geo_icon Newcastle
Manager Mental Health geo_icon Sydney
Rod Brown
Communications Technician geo_icon North Wagga Wagga, New South Wales
Les Gernyi
Rescue Paramedic geo_icon Wollongong Area
Melissa Cummins
Revenue Clerk geo_icon Goulburn DC, New South Wales
Alex Rozonatos
Telecommunications Specialist geo_icon Sydney
Rebecca Leon
Manager, Learning and Development geo_icon Sydney
Dave Drysdale
Intensive Care Paramedic geo_icon Newcastle
Karl Pirchmoser
Curriculum Project Manager geo_icon New South Wales
Warren Beeton
Patient transport officer ASNSW geo_icon Sydney
Christopher Cousins
Advanced Life Support Paramedic geo_icon Newcastle
Peter Leopold
Helicopter Scat I.C Paramedic geo_icon Sydney
tammy trinh
Medical Records Officer geo_icon Australia
Murray Traynor
Inspector, SACT Paramedic geo_icon Sydney
Scott Towers-Hammond
Ambulance Paramedic geo_icon Newcastle
Anthony Pierpoint
Paramedic geo_icon New South Wales
Dean Smith
Paramedic Specialist geo_icon New South Wales
Judith Bryant
Duty Control Centre Officer Paramedic geo_icon New South Wales
Intensive Care Paramedic geo_icon New South Wales